Tuesday, March 6, 2007

New York Times on Hillary Clinton

The New York Times is today running a major feature piece on Hillary Clinton. It covers her on the campaign trail, and looks deeply at her political style. It's good reading.

March 6, 2007

Clinton Shapes Her Image for ’08 Race


BERLIN, N.H. — Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton signs autographs meticulously, drawing out each line and curve of “H-i-l-l-a-r-y,” “R-o-d-h-a-m” and “C-l-i-n-t-o-n.” She leaves no stray lines or wayward marks.

“Hillary, over here, over here,” called out a young woman from the mob that formed outside the Berlin Town Hall when Mrs. Clinton, Democrat of New York, arrived for a “conversation,” in the parlance of the made-to-order intimacy of her presidential campaign. “Can you sign my Hillary sign, please?” the woman asked.

Mrs. Clinton autographed the poster, carefully. It took a full seven or eight seconds, none of the two-second scribbles of other politicians. She is the diligent student who gets an A in penmanship, the woman in a hurry who still takes care to dot her i’s.

To watch Mrs. Clinton up close during these “rollout” weeks of her presidential campaign is to see a familiar political figure try to reclaim her name.

“I’m Hillary Clinton, and I’m running for president,” she says at campaign appearances. Lamenting that her public image has been distorted by caricature, she often says, “I may be the most famous person you don’t really know.” In the cliché of contemporary politics, Mrs. Clinton is “reintroducing herself to the American people.”
